Saturday, May 23, 2009

Il giornalismo e i cinque lupi

Todd Gitlin scrive un bell'articolone a proposito della crisi del giornalismo americano. E sintetizza le questioni che affliggono la stampa Usa ma non solo. Mette insieme vari fattori, dal crack economico e la perdita di pubblicità alle differenze cognitive imposte dalla network society.

Four wolves have arrived at the door of American journalism simultaneously while a fifth has already been lurking for some time. One is the precipitous decline in the circulation of newspapers. The second is the decline in advertising revenue, which, combined with the first, has badly damaged the profitability of newspapers. The third, contributing to the first, is the diffusion of attention. The fourth is the more elusive crisis of authority. The fifth, a perennial - so much so as to be perhaps a condition more than a crisis - is journalism’s inability or unwillingness to penetrate the veil of obfuscation behind which power conducts its risky business.
La conclusione non è male.
Leaving journalism to the myopic, inept, greedy, unlucky, and floundering managers of the nation's newspapers to rescue journalism on their own would be like leaving it to the investment wizards at the American International Group (AIG), Citibank, and Goldman Sachs, to create a workable, just global credit system on the strength of their good will, their hard-earned knowledge, and their fidelity to the public good.
L'articolo per intero è qui.

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